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Can Pregnant Women Eat Garlic Sprouts?

Garlic seedlings, also known as green garlic, garlic shreds.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Garlic Sprouts?

Pregnant women can eat

Garlic seedlings contain protein, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, capsaicin, and other nutrients, which can increase the appetite of expectant mothers, sterilize and reduce inflammation, prevent influenza, and prevent intestinal inflammation. Scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, carrot slices with garlic sprouts, walnut kernels with sprouts garlic, etc. can not only supplement the body of expectant mothers but also promote the development of fetal babies.

Can eat during lactation

Garlic seedlings contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, carotene, and other substances. When breastfeeding mothers eat garlic seedlings appropriately, it can supplement various nutrients to the body, strengthen physical fitness, and relieve constipation during breastfeeding. The garlic sprouts are paired with meat slices, eggs, shrimps, and other fried foods, which are not only conducive to the absorption of nutrient elements but also increase the delicious taste of the garlic sprouts themselves.

Confinement can eat

The garlic sprouts are rich in nutrition and delicious. The postpartum mother eats some garlic sprouts appropriately, which can sterilize and reduce inflammation, protect the liver, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, garlic sprouts are spicy vegetables and should not be eaten too much at once. When cooking garlic sprouts, it is not advisable to put in too much oil and salt.

Baby eat carefully

It is not advisable for babies to come into contact with irritating foods too early, because the baby’s gastrointestinal development is imperfect and is easily irritated. So babies should not eat too many garlic sprouts. Moreover, the cellulose content in garlic seedlings is high, and the baby's digestive ability is still weak, and it is not easy to digest if eating too much.

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