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Effects Of Consuming Excessive Sugar Candy On Children

Sugar is the body's essential nutrient, if the blood sugar is down to normal levels or less, the brain will send signals of depression, stimulate adrenaline secretion, send a signal to the liver to produce more glucose.

As a result, you may feel tense, dizzy, and have mild headaches, tiredness, weakness, shaking, or heart palpitations.

The symptoms of hypoglycemia are especially noticeable if your blood sugar is often low or if you like to drink coffee on an empty stomach. Sugar for our health or occupy a very important role. Consuming sugar in moderation can increase blood sugar, stabilize mood, and help return to normal.

Sugar can relieve pain to a certain extent, especially when the baby goes to the doctor, it can help the child calm down. If children do not develop good oral hygiene habits, eating sugar can easily cause tooth decay.

After the formation of tooth decay, it is easy to produce a series of oral problems, which will bring a lot of trouble to the baby. Saccharification in the mouth of children, part of the sugar residue will adhere to the surface of the teeth or in the crevices to form dental plaque.

Effects Of Consuming Excessive Sugar Candy On Children

Over time, it will lead to the occurrence of dental caries. If it is not detected or cleaned in time, the children's teeth will be slowly corroded by the sugar residue, which will endanger the health of the teeth.

In addition, children who consume too much sugar will also metabolize too much, consuming a variety of vitamins and minerals in the body. Once this happens, it will lead to the lack of various vitamins in the child and hinder the healthy growth of the child's body.

If it is severe, it will affect the child's physical function, and the body's immunity will decline, which will greatly increase the risk of diabetes and endanger the child's life. Therefore, parents must control their children's sugar intake and avoid excessive sugar intake.

How To Help Your Child Control The Amount Of Sugar They Eat

1. Adopt A Reward Mechanism

If a child likes sugar and sweets, it is actually the nature of every child. Usually, a reward mechanism can be used to let children get candy by themselves.

Parents give their children a less difficult task that the child can successfully complete. When the child successfully completes the task, candy can be used as a reward.

When there is no task assigned, parents should compulsorily lock the candy, do not let the child get it easily, and let the child know that it takes hard work to get the reward in a guided way. In this way, children can not only make progress but also control the frequency and amount of sugar they eat to a certain extent.

2. Reduce The Temptation To Buy Less Or Buy Sparingly

Some parents go to the supermarket to buy candy and go home, but they are found by their children and they refuse to eat them, which is equivalent to baiting the fish and not letting the fish take the bait. The behavior of parents is inherently contradictory, and this behavior is very right and very undesirable.

The correct approach should be to minimize the appearance of sugar products, snacks, etc. at home to reduce the temptation to children. Children's self-control is insufficient, far less than adults, so do not buy or buy less sugary foods, reducing the number of times sugar appears in front of children's eyes can effectively reduce children's sugar intake.

You should also be role models at home. No matter whether the child is at home or not, or whether the child is around, parents should also insist on setting an example, the awareness of "controlling sugar intake, starting from you and me, everyone is responsible". Parents eat less sugar, and the whole family eats sugary foods less often, and the chances of children being exposed to sugar will naturally decrease, and they can successfully control their children's sugar intake.

3. Develop A Good Habit Of Eating

Enriched three meals a day, more varieties of vegetables and fruits, children can eat well enough to have a good body, and it is not easy to be hungry and want to eat.

Love for children is reflected in three meals a day , not in satisfying the craving for sugar . Parents spend more time on three meals a day to stimulate children's interest in eating, and naturally, they will not want to eat sugar after each meal is full.

Effects Of Consuming Excessive Sugar Candy On Children

Don't buy sugar at home, and try to keep your kids out of snack-like sugar as much as possible. Don't buy any form of sugar at home, don't store any form of sugar at home.

Many children have no self-control, and they will keep thinking about the candy they bought home. Never tempt a child with sugar, as it will only deepen her craving for sugar.

4. Regularly Check The Child's Oral Condition

If cavities have already started to grow, be sure to treat them early. Go to the hospital and follow your doctor's advice. Otherwise, letting it develop is likely to affect the development of the child's dental and jaw system. Moreover, tooth decay often brings toothache and other problems, making children unable to chew food normally and increasing the burden on the digestive system.

Excessive sugar content is relative to otherwise. If you are a manual worker, eating a pound of white sugar can also be consumed by all kinds of physical labor such as moving a brick.

But if you're someone who stays at home or doesn't do physical work in the office every day, just eating a small cube of sugar may be over the limit. So for how to eat, we have to vary from person to person and do what we can.


The conclusion is very clear that high-sugar diets are harmful to the human brain and cause serious impairment of certain abilities of the human body, which will seriously affect people's normal life. Therefore, parents should control their children's sugar intake from an early age to avoid excessive sugar intake which may lead to the occurrence of some diseases.

But everything should not be too extreme. The scientific intake of sugar will not only not cause harm to the child's body, but will be more conducive to the growth of his body. At the same time, consuming a small amount of sugar will also make a child feel good and improve his well-being.

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