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Why Do Two-Year-Olds Always Say "No"?

The vast majority of children will appear when they are two or three years old, and last six months to one year. During this period, the child begins to discover his own power, that he can make choices, that he can influence the emotions of others, that he is no longer an obedient little baby, that he can have his own opinions and ideas, so he begins to use it. The power to challenge the authority of others and test the boundaries of one's own abilities.

Why Do Two-Year-Olds Always Say "No"?

What Does This Baby Look Like At This Stage?

1. Outright Rejection, Often Saying "No"

This is the most important manifestation of the 2-year-old baby entering the rebellious period. Because when the baby is young, his thoughts are simple and direct. When faced with things he doesn't want to do and things he doesn't like, he will directly refuse and never express it euphemistically.

Especially in the rebellious period at the age of 2, whenever parents want to let the baby rest and stop watching TV, or eat well, they usually say "no".

Moreover, the two-year-old baby likes to say "no" very much and is not willing to listen to the reasoning of the parents. If the parents force it, the baby will continue to cry.

2. No One Else Can Touch Your Own

A two-year-old baby attaches great importance to his belongings, and his favorite items are not allowed to be touched by others. Even his parents need to say hello in advance and only touch them with permission.

When the baby is two years old, he doesn't know what the ownership of objects is. He just sees the things he likes and wants to occupy them, so there are often situations where the baby and others grab things outside. If they are criticized by parents, they will not understand.

3. Throwing Things Or Even Hitting People

When the baby is two-year-old rebellious, his temper is very anxious, and he often bursts into tears because of a little thing. If the parents do not meet their requirements, they will lie on the ground and roll, or throw things.

When the baby is two years old, his ability to express is limited and he cannot express his anger clearly, so the guidance of parents is very important.

If the parents do not guide, or even compete with the baby, the situation will become more and more serious, and the baby will become more and more irritable and hit others.

So What Are The Reasons For These Situations?

In the process of growing up, children always like to say "no" at a certain stage, which is actually a manifestation of growing up. Psychologists believe that children from 1.5 to 3 years old will go through an important stage of life development: the conflict stage of autonomy and shyness (or doubt), that is to say, during this period, children not only master such things as crawling, walking, talking and more importantly, they learn how to persevere or give up, and begin to "willed" to decide what to do or not to do. ", also known as the "sensitive period of the ego".

Children in the "first resistance period" tend to be self-centered, like to do things according to their current will, and always use confrontational behaviors to explore and feel self-awareness.

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